Wisconsin Dells family & children’s photographer
I couldn’t think of a better way to wake up my blog than to share some of my favorite photos of my beautiful daughter. Time flies, and how my heart swells with love and pride as I look at my now 8-year-old daughter, Reagan. Six years ago, we welcomed her into our lives with open arms and have watched her blossom into the incredible little soul that she is today.✨ She is my everything. This season holds such a special place in my heart. Our birthdays are both in the spring, just weeks apart. It represents new beginnings and the wonders of transformation. I haven’t done a shoot with just her in over two years – I actually bought this dress for her when she was 6 and it finally fits!! She was so excited to take these. (And as a photographer’s daughter….most times she’s not all about having her photos taken, but does it because she knows how much it means to me.) Reagan, my darling, you are the epitome of this beautiful season, radiating beauty, love and growth.✨🌸 I love you to the moon and back my sweet girl.